It has been well-established that different therapeutic wavelengths affect different tissues and at different levels.

It has also been well known that many Class Illb lasers, no matter the argument, do not have the power to reach deeper tissues.

If according to Class IIIb laser manufacturer’s wavelength was the only factor and not power, then there would be no use having a laser with any energy at all.

SUPERMAX offers power levels and various wavelengths with the ability to reach both deep and superficial levels.

The four wavelengths, 650, 810, 915, and 980 address body compositions of soft tissue, bone, fat, and several fluids.

Pulsing or continuous wave both offer the optimal opportunities at influencing cellular healing and transformation.

    The aiming beam of the Medray at 650nm serves a dual purpose of not only being the aiming beam, but also offers a lower dose, in the Class IIIb range of laser energy.  This lower powered and lower wavelength helps in the stimulating effects of photo biomodulation.
    The conversion of ATP through molecular oxygen has the highest saturation using the 810 wavelength. 810nm has also been called the “therapeutic wavelength” as it penetrates deeper and affects more cellular activity.  By using 8w of power, you can be assured that maximum saturation of energy will be delivered.
    Oxygen is life.  The 915nm wavelength allows faster oxygen discharge into the blood stream. Increasing cellular fuel thus allows increased healing capabilities.  Hemoglobin assimilation is at its pinnacle at the 915nm wavelength.  Again, for any engine to work, it needs fuel, and the 915 wavelength helps supply this fuel.  The 9w power level assures that this fuel is released and delivered.
    Oxygen that is released by way of the 915 wavelength needs a transport system, and that system is H20.  Along with oxygen transport, water helps in the elimination of waste, thus being a two mode carrier.  Photon absorption is converted to heat.  This heat creates a controlled thermal environment at the cellular level.  All of this activity triggers such responses as microcirculation and the transport of O2 to the cells in need.